We have entered a new year, a new era, a NEXT GENERATION even! We have begun our weekly series of episodes recapping and commenting on season 1 of Star Trek: Picard streaming on CBS All access. Our Trek nostalgia is strong as we dive deep into one of our longest lasting fandoms. We dissect and admire and engage intensely with Patrick Stewart’s return to his most enduring character. As Christopher so affectionately states, we attend the Church of Trek this Sunday morning. Come along, gather with us as a community, to celebrate the hope and humanity of Trek.
Episode Seventy Two: Don’t see Shyamalan’s Airbender movie, ever.
Recorded 2/15/2017
We begin this episode as we begin almost every episode, someone gets yelled at for doing something dumb. After we get that out of our system, our Re-watch is the series finale of Avatar: The Last Airbender. We spoil the entire series so if you haven’t watched it, what is your problem? Patrick poses the important question of what is each of the Brother’s favorite Star Trek: The Next Generation episode? We all saw John Wick Chapter 2. We try not to spoil that too much. Andrew describes a spectacular sequence in The Expanse novel Babylon’s Ashes. Chris and Andrew find a Game Pigeon game they do not enjoy. Patrick and Chris have embraced the mobile game Fire Emblem Heroes, neither will admit to spending any money on it yet though.
Episode Fifty Eight: Winter has come, at last
Recorded 6/27/2016
Crunchytown population us this episode. But we soldier on!
We spend almost 30 minutes on the “Game of Thrones” season 6 finale and it is totally worth it. If you want spoilers, listen, if you don’t, watch the episode and come back to us. Christopher sings the praises of an epic fantasy novel, Patrick finishes a mediocre thriller, and Andrew re-visits the Holy Grail. We all play board games together, some of them are more complicated than others.
Trivia is “Star Trek” themed, thanks for the suggestion Smiley Aria of Dames Playing Games.
Episode 30 – “I have been, and always shall be, your friend.”
recorded March 1, 2015
We discuss the passing of Leonard Nimoy, a great artist and cultural icon.
We examine his legacy in our lives and the impact of his work.
Christopher continues to re-watch “Stargate SG1” with his wife, Susan. He also watched “Batman/Superman: Public Enemies”, the animated DC feature. He is surprised with how entertaining it is.
Andrew re-watches “Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan”. All agree it holds up very nicely and Nimoy’s performance is perfect.
Patrick and Andrew finish season 1 of “Agent Carter” and wish it had finished a little bigger and bolder.
Christopher is current with “Batman Eternal”, “Thor”, and has started “Star Wars: Darth Vader” “Vader” might be the best of the newly launched Marvel Star Wars comics.
Andrew is also current with “Batman Eternal”. His reading of “Dune” has slowed due to technical issues. He plans to follow “Dune” with “The Martian” and then give “Master and Commander” another try.
Patrick is 7 hours in the 48,920 hours of “A Dance with Dragons”. He is already in love, far and away better than “A Feast for Crows”.
Christopher has been grinding on “Destiny”, leveling a Warlock. He plays “Evolve” and continues to be bad at it. He had downloaded “Clash of Clans” and it is a welcome diversion.
Andrew plays “Destiny” with Christopher just today. He reports on Daily Heroic Story “The Wakening”. He will start a Hunter and begin leveling in the near future.
Patrick-attempted to play “Destiny” but encountered major connectivity issues. He downloaded the mobile game “Oregon Trail: American Settler”. It is a sequel of sorts to the game we all loved as kids. He feels a kinship to it as he himself is a settler of Oregon.
Special Report: Christopher’s daughter Kristin reports on Supernatural-Con, she fan-girls. She reports on the “specialty convention experience”.
Which Harry Potter novel has sold the most copies, and how many?