Tag Archives: Star Wars

Thirty Three: McConaughey is not the only one who cried


Episode Thirty Three “McConaughey isn’t the only one who cried

Recorded April 19th 2015

Watch it and you’ll understand


Trailer’s Galore!

We dissect, discuss, examine, hammer and bludgeon four different newly released trailers. “Terminator Genisys”, “Ant Man” “Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice” and “Star Wars: The Force Awakens”


Christopher and Andrew are current with “Arrow” and “The Flash”. “The Flash” continues to impress. “Arrow” needs to be a superhero show again.

Christopher and Andrew insist Patrick binge-watch “Daredevil” on Netflix. It is pitch perfect. Andrew says that a lot

Patrick is in full Trek mode. He has finished “Star Trek: Voyager” and has moved onto “Star Trek: Enterprise” He prefers the latter. Jolene Blalock gets special recognition this week.


Patrick finishes “Leviathan Wakes” and has restarted “Ready Player One“, he promises to finish “Batman Eternal”

Christopher has started “Caliban’s War“, calls it outstanding. He further asserts “Darth Vader” is best of Star Wars comics Marvel has released.

Andrew and Christopher have both finished “Batman Eternal”. Andrew is current with “Thor” and is enamored with the book on multiple levels. He doesn’t even care who the female Thor will turn out to be.


Andrew talks “Destiny” and the announcement of House of Wolves expansion dropping on 5/19/15.

Christopher and Diablo III continue their love affair.

Patrick has started up “Dragon Age Inquisition” once again and he is now playing a Ranger. It scratches his RPG itch. He continues his table top mission and plays the card game “Smash Up“. It allows for Ninja Unicorns. Christopher and Andrew give their nods of approval.


Boys are challenged to guess the total number of pages in “A Song of Ice and Fire” One of them actually comes close. The number is huge.



Brothers Geek: 1 May the Fourth be with you


We share our Star Wars Memories

Seen: The Amazing Spiderman 2, The Returned, Arrow and Supernatural

Read: Free comic Book day and Batman Eternal

Played: Diablo, Kinetic Rivals, Grand theft Auto Online,  real Life bowling! Elder Sign

Star Wars trivia and more!

