Author Archives: BrothersGeekadmin

Thirty Seven: ” Shut Up, I’m Han Solo”


Episode Thirty Seven: “Shut Up, I’m Han Solo.”

recorded July 5th, 2015 (we have major technical issues but we get it done)

Plans for San Diego Comic Con are forming.  Chris and Andrew detail their strategy to guarantee admission to Hall H on Friday July 10th.
Christopher wants to love “Terminator: Genisys” but he doesn’t.  He continues to enjoy “Dark Matter’ on the SyFy channel.
Andrew can’t wait for the season finale of “Penny Dreadful” and he showers love on Billie Piper.  Her character has become truly terrifying this season.  Chris concurs, Patrick will get caught up.
Patrick watches the Netflix anime “Knights of Sidonia”.  It has some common sci-fi troupes.  He also watches “Inside Out” and recommends it for all.

Christopher has begun the 4th book in the “Expanse” series “Cibola Burn” so far it is not as compelling as the first 3 books.
Andrew finishes “Dune”, erudite discussion ensues.  All have read “Rat Queens” vol.1., literally so good.  Go read it.
Patrick is listening to a full cast reading of Neil Gaiman’s “American Gods” and as a film geek he is bettering himself reading, “The Camera Assistant’s Manual.”

Christopher dives back into “World of Warcraft” with its newest patch. He details the nautical fun he is having.
Andrew reports on “Destiny” news.  Bungie hasn’t had it easy for the past few weeks.
Patrick describes a “Fallout Shelter” disastrous rad roach infestation. He has learned from his mistakes and it will Never. Happen. Again.
Trivia: Name 5 of the Top Ten games on Twitch at the moment of the question.   The Boys come close.


Thirty Six: You’re My Father! – Luke Skywalker (super whiny voice)


Recorded June 21st 2015

Father’s Day Hype!  We thank our father for beginning our long strange road of geekery.

We discuss E3 and the games we are excited to play in the coming months.


“GAME OF THRONES” FINALE SPOILERS!  YOU ARE FORE-WARNED!    THE FINALE IS GREAT. ****Spoilers start at 21:00 and end at 31:30***

“Jurassic World” is seen by all.  It’s the most popular movie in the world and pure popcorn summer movie goodness.  Hashtag Raptor Squad!  Bryce Dallas Howard gets the Not Ugly award this episode.

Christopher is excited for a new show on SyFy called “Dark Matter”.  It stars Canadian actors you may have seen on other SyFy and CW shows.

Read:  All make the commitment to read “Rat Queens” vol. 1 and 2 by the next show.

Andrew continues his months long slog through “Dune”.  He doesn’t love it but he knows how important it is to finish this book.

Christopher continues with “The Expanse” series by James S.A. Covey.


Andrew and Christopher play “Destiny” expansion PvE arena Prison of Elders.  Andrew gets the guts to play with randoms via matchmaking.  He also has taken to watching Twitch and has subscribed to “Destiny” streamer Professor Broman.

Patrick is the busiest geek in the world with school and an internship but plays mobile game “Fallout Shelter”.  It satiates his resource management gamer geek appetite.

Christopher plays “The Witcher 3”.  The game is deep and rich and he wishes he could play all the time.  But you know, life.


Second Weekend of Release Movie box office themed.  The Boys come close.


Thirty Five: Our War Party Soundtrack is Taylor Swift’s Early Work


recorded May 31st, 2015

Discussion: Chris and Andrew attend Phoenix Comicon. Chris reports on an impressive panelist.  We both sing the praises of the convention authority for solving logistical traffic issues.  They learned from last year’s disaster.

Seen: All have seen “Mad Max: Fury Road” at least once.  It amazes on multiple levels.  The film is a prime example of the writer’s maxim, “show don’t tell.”  The “Flash” finale is sublime.  The “Arrow” finale disappoints.  We agree the “Ras Al Ghul” storyline was a poor choice this season.
Read: “Rat Queens Volume 1” and “Thor” comics are entertaining, both Chris and Andrew are enjoying female centric comic books right now.  Patrick fails once again to finish “Batman: Eternal”.  Appropriate levels of shit are given.
Played:  Andrew and Christopher play the “Destiny House of Wolves” expansion. It’s the best expansion so far.  Prison of Elders is the endgame experience the Brothers Geek Fireteam has been waiting for. Chris loves “The Witcher 3” so so much.  He has barely scratched the surface of all the content.  Patrick recommends “Marvel: Future Fight” for mobile gaming.


“Game of Thrones” themed:  Name the seven aspects of the one God of the Faith of the Seven?

Both Brothers Win!


Thoughts on Ex Machina


Thoughts on Ex Machina

By Christopher Schmaltz

The robot is hot…until she puts on her short-haired wig. This was one of my thoughts after seeing Ex Machina. See, I’m generally not a short hair fan on women. And exactly therein lies the triumph of Ex Machina.

Ex Machina adds significantly to the genre in movies and literature of the human pursuit of artificial intelligence (A.I.).  It is at the same time cerebral and visceral. Cerebral in that it is a close scientific examination of the attempt to create A.I. – one that is indistinguishable from human intelligence and consciousness. The movie explores one man’s creation, and another man’s testing of that creation. Why it works so well is that it hits the tester (and movie viewer) in both the mind, and even more importantly, in the viscera. The tested program is in a futuristic, elegantly designed female robot form. A form that is very clearly a robot, and yet, has all the visual cues intended to target the id of the tester (and movie viewer).

The film is a surface examination of the attempt at A.I., and a far more incisive exploration of humanity and the combination of intellect and emotion in humans. It’s a fascinating look at how emotion affects judgment, and how it is so difficult to distinguish actual emotion from the appearance of emotion. What I find exhilarating is its central storytelling that explores how emotion can override logic in a conscious being. (That sentence is carefully constructed so as to avoid any and all spoilers.☺)

To me, the movie asks a key question – if humans are fallible in this way, often subservient to emotional reactions from a primordial place in our brain, how can our creations not be influenced by this conception of what we think it means to be a conscious being? And as so influenced, will the A.I. we attempt to create be “flawed” in the same way, or be missing a key ingredient that is impossible to quantify or “create?”

As successful as the A.I. may or may not have appeared to the tester of the A.I., a similar suspension of disbelief happens to the viewer. My reaction, the robot is hotuntil…, is a testament to the art of the film and its insightful exploration of the human experience. Ex Machina is worth your time and thought.


Thirty Four: The Physics are Weird

“May the Fourth be with you”.


Discussed:We reflect on a year of recording the podcast.  It’s schmaltzy, which is appropriate.


We all saw “Avengers: Age of Ultron” at least once.  A spirited discussion ensues.  We try and avoid hurting each others feelings.

Read Patrick’s Review

Chris and Andrew remind Patrick that “Penny Dreadful” has begun season 2


Andrew reads “Dune”; it’s a slog right now but admits Herbert’s artistry is unquestionable.

Patrick falls short on completing “Batman: Eternal”.  He re-commits. Again.

Christopher sings an aria about “Rat Queens”, a brilliant new comic book, recommended by our friends at Samurai Comics.  He convinces us all to read it.


Christopher downloads “Hearthstone” for the Galaxy Note and continues to play a seasonal character on “Diablo”. His monk is leveled to 69 and has done so slowly.

Andrew has a new Iphone6 and now can download mobile games again.  He plays “Fruit Ninja”. So simple and so satisfying.

Patrick recommends “Galaxy of Fire 2” as a mobile game.

Patrick plays Movie Trivia at Hollywood Theater in Portland. He placed 5th as a team of 1 out of hundreds of people who attended.  He also played “House on the Hill” with his Partners in Crime.  It continues to be fun and engaging.


Name the titles of the six Star Wars feature films, the years they were released, and the directors of each film.

The Boys get partial achievements. Chris is aged enough to recall the original triologies release years.


Thirty Three: McConaughey is not the only one who cried


Episode Thirty Three “McConaughey isn’t the only one who cried

Recorded April 19th 2015

Watch it and you’ll understand


Trailer’s Galore!

We dissect, discuss, examine, hammer and bludgeon four different newly released trailers. “Terminator Genisys”, “Ant Man” “Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice” and “Star Wars: The Force Awakens”


Christopher and Andrew are current with “Arrow” and “The Flash”. “The Flash” continues to impress. “Arrow” needs to be a superhero show again.

Christopher and Andrew insist Patrick binge-watch “Daredevil” on Netflix. It is pitch perfect. Andrew says that a lot

Patrick is in full Trek mode. He has finished “Star Trek: Voyager” and has moved onto “Star Trek: Enterprise” He prefers the latter. Jolene Blalock gets special recognition this week.


Patrick finishes “Leviathan Wakes” and has restarted “Ready Player One“, he promises to finish “Batman Eternal”

Christopher has started “Caliban’s War“, calls it outstanding. He further asserts “Darth Vader” is best of Star Wars comics Marvel has released.

Andrew and Christopher have both finished “Batman Eternal”. Andrew is current with “Thor” and is enamored with the book on multiple levels. He doesn’t even care who the female Thor will turn out to be.


Andrew talks “Destiny” and the announcement of House of Wolves expansion dropping on 5/19/15.

Christopher and Diablo III continue their love affair.

Patrick has started up “Dragon Age Inquisition” once again and he is now playing a Ranger. It scratches his RPG itch. He continues his table top mission and plays the card game “Smash Up“. It allows for Ninja Unicorns. Christopher and Andrew give their nods of approval.


Boys are challenged to guess the total number of pages in “A Song of Ice and Fire” One of them actually comes close. The number is huge.



Thirty Two: The Truth is in This Episode


recorded 3/29/2015


from 41:35 to 46:35, We spoilerize “A Dance With Dragons” If you don’t want to know where A Song of Ice and Fire is headed, avoid those five minutes!


Fox announced a limited series of ” The X-Files” We all reminisce our fondest memories of the show’s original run.


Andrew watches the Season 2 finale of “Black Sails”. He calls it one the best sophomore to freshman seasons of TV ever. Also he is re-watching “From the Earth to The Moon”

Patrick watches the independent film “Spring” and it‘s terrifying. Patrick may give up on “Agents of SHIELD” if season 2 doesn’t pay off big time.

Christopher finishes season 3 of “House of Cards” and watches “John Wick”,  it’s just a very simple, well made revenge flick, immensely satisfying.


Andrew and Christopher both loving “Batman:Eternal”. The last panel of issue 51 was bonkers awesome.

Andrew read “Invincible #118” and encourages all to pick up the issue, it’s the perfect place to jump in. And just 25 cents!

Patrick finishes “A Dance with Dragons“. He freaks the F*ck out about the ending! And he has started “Leviathan Wakes” on Chris’s recommendation.


Christopher continues “Ori and the Blind Forest” The game is hard as hell and strikingly beautiful.

Andrew plays “Destiny” some more. He is working his first Exotic Weapon Bounty.

Patrick pulls an “Andrew” and has nothing to report. Andrew is pissed at the reference.


Who has hosted the most episodes of “Saturday Night Live”?

One of the Boys gets the achievement!


Thirty One: Inner Sanctum & Zombie Runs


Recorded March 22nd, 2015.


“Star Wars: Rogue One” news!  We tell you what we know, which isn’t much, admittedly.

New trailers for “Avengers: Age of Ultron” and “Mission Impossible: Rouge Nation” hit the internet.  Go watch them! We hope you aren’t disappointed.  If you are, remember, we had nothing to do with them.


Andrew re-watches “Marvel’s the Avengers” with #1 Fan Adria.  He re-experiences the joy of the movie with someone who had never seen it before.

Christopher loves “Helix” and “Twelve Monkeys” .  The former is still filled with rupturing pustules.

Patrick sees “Insurgent”.   The filmmakers had more money to spend this time around.


Andrew and Christopher are current with “Thor” and “Batman Eternal”.  Both have very strong recent issues. “Batman Eternal” revealed its “Big Bad”, we aren’t disappointed.

Christopher recommends “Leviathan Wakes” by James S.A. Corey.  He is enthralled.

Patrick calls “A Dance with Dragons” the best novel of “A Song of Ice and Fire” series.

The Brothers dissect a pivotal scene in “Dune.”  Andrew is honestly amazed with the novel.


Andrew plays “Destiny”.  Everyone is shocked.

Christopher has become enamored with the side scrolling platformer “Ori and the Blind Forest”.   He calls it the most beautiful game he has ever played.

Patrick describes the ease and addictiveness and math skills required for “Oregon Settler”.  He swears it’s actually fun.


Who has the most Twitter followers in the world?

The Boys need several hints.


Episode Thirty:”I have been, and always shall be, your friend”


Episode 30 – “I have been, and always shall be, your friend.”
recorded March 1, 2015
We discuss the passing of Leonard Nimoy, a great artist and cultural icon.
We examine his legacy in our lives and the impact of his work.

Christopher continues to re-watch “Stargate SG1” with his wife, Susan.  He also watched “Batman/Superman: Public Enemies”, the animated DC feature.  He is surprised with how entertaining it is.
Andrew re-watches “Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan”.  All agree it holds up very nicely and Nimoy’s performance is perfect.
Patrick and Andrew finish season 1 of “Agent Carter” and wish it had finished a little bigger and bolder.
Christopher is current with “Batman Eternal”, “Thor”, and has started “Star Wars: Darth Vader” “Vader” might be the best of the newly launched Marvel Star Wars comics.

Andrew is also current with “Batman Eternal”. His reading of “Dune” has slowed due to technical issues. He plans to follow “Dune” with “The Martian” and then give “Master and Commander” another try.
Patrick is 7 hours in the 48,920 hours of “A Dance with Dragons”. He is already in love, far and away better than “A Feast for Crows”.

Christopher has been grinding on “Destiny”, leveling a Warlock. He plays “Evolve” and continues to be bad at it.  He had downloaded “Clash of Clans” and it is a welcome diversion.
Andrew plays “Destiny” with Christopher just today.  He reports on Daily Heroic Story “The Wakening”. He will start a Hunter and begin leveling in the near future.
Patrick-attempted to play “Destiny” but encountered major connectivity issues.  He downloaded the mobile game “Oregon Trail: American Settler”. It is a sequel of sorts to the game we all loved as kids. He feels a kinship to it as he himself is a settler of Oregon.
Special Report: Christopher’s daughter Kristin reports on Supernatural-Con, she fan-girls.  She reports on the “specialty convention experience”.


Which Harry Potter novel has sold the most copies, and how many?

The Boys are surprised with the correct answers.



Twenty Nine: We are Getting in Line for Hall H Right Now!


Episode Twenty Nine: We are getting in line for Hall H basically right now.

recorded February 22nd 2015


We detail the baroque badge purchase lottery process.

Jason Mamoa as Aquaman photo tweeted by Zak Snyder. We dive deep in Aquaman lore.


Christopher watches “Kingsman: The Secret Service”. It kinda works, he kinda likes it. The movie is kinda like Bond but not really, kinda.

“Supernatural” continues to rule.

Andrew loves Black Sails. It is showing great depth in Season 2. The tension is fantastic.

Patrick is current with “The Flash”. It’s basically his favorite show. It’s speeding along very nicely.


Christopher continues “the Dresden Files”

Patrick listens to “A Dance with Dragons” on Audible. He adjusts his settings to have it read to him faster. So he doesn’t die first.

Andrew is current with “Invincible”, “Batman: Eternal”


Chris is leveling a new character in “Destiny”, a warlock. He has a new playing style to learn.

Andrew has reached Level 31 with his Titan. He is almost ready to rank up with Eris Morn and hopes to obtain the Legendary Auto Rifle “Eidilon’s Ally” soon. WE STILL NEED TO RUN THE RAIDS.

Patrick is too busy to game.


How many “Dudes'” and “Fucks” are spoken in “The Big Lebowski”. Neither of the boys are even close.
