Ninety Three: Weather Reports

Episode Ninety-Three:  Weather Reports

Recorded 6/3/2018

This episode brings the heat.  After a long, detailed discussion about the weather we dive deep the hottest topics since our last episode.   We talk Deadpool 2 and fresh air.  We discuss Solo A Star Wars Story and the idiotic (in our opinion) narrative about it being a “failure”.  The Brothers actually get heated at each other but with good reason.  We talk hot games, Destiny 2 and Monster Hunter World.  We give praise to Jeff Bezos for saving one of our favorite television shows, The Expanse.  Chris and Patrick discuss, briefly, the mad genius of Legion. A full season recap is in the forecast.

Trivia is Deadpool 2 themed.  Thank you to friend of the Podcast, Betsy, for the idea.

