Tag Archives: The Magicians

Eighty Six: Monsters Attack!

Episode Eighty-Six:  Monsters Attack!

Recorded 1/23/2017

Two new episodes in one month!  Can you believe it?  Our resolution is holding strong!

As the title suggests we spend an inordinate amount of this episode talking about monsters.  Monsters in gaming, monsters on television and in the movies, and monsters that appear in print.  We dissect the recent Oscar nominations, what they missed, what makes no sense, and what they got exactly correct. Chris and Patrick make the commitment to stream Monster Hunter World in the coming weeks. Watch BrothersGeekPlayed on Twitch for all the tier 1 level game play.  The Magicians have returned on Syfy Channel and Andrew is loving it.  We announce some upcoming release dates and shamelessly plug a Netflix series Patrick worked on last year.

Watch “Everything Sucks” on Netflix beginning February 16th 2018!

Trivia is Oscar Nomination themed and it’s quite surprising.

Be. Curious.


The Magicians Season 2 Episode 1

By Patrick Schmaltz

Hey look! They are not all dead. The season one finale left on a huge cliffhanger. Quinten, Penny, Margo, Eliot, Alice, and Julia all went guns blazing after the Beast and got rocked like a hurricane only to not be completely wiped out thanks to double crossing Julia who made a deal with the devil (aka the Beast, aka Martin Chatwin)


From the season two trailers we knew how they were not all dead. The explanations seemed pretty simple and a little weak, but I can move past that. This episode seems to be mostly about where season two is headed. Penny gets his hands fixed but they are cursed–or something–by “Crazy Healing River Man.” Julia gets offered a way to cover up her post-rape emotional damage, but is so far resisting. Q, Alice, Margo and Eliot have become the Kings and Queens of Fillory (which is revealed in an hilarious 90’s trivia scene) so, Eliot stays behind while the rest go back to Brakebills in search of the missing Fillory armory books.

It seems like a good start to the second season. They’ve set up some storylines and hinted at directions the characters will go this season. The show continues to be dark and humorous. Fillory continues to be crazy and unpredictable, and I am fully excited for more! Also, is that healer lady in the beginning of the episode going to come back and fuck everything up for Q?




Seventy:Andrew’s Dryer makes a guest appearance

Episode Seventy-Andrew’s Dryer makes a guest appearance.
Recorded 1/11/1017
New year, same brothers.
As we have reached another milestone episode and we are starting a new calendar year, this is an episode of looking ahead and changing things up.  We look to add new segments in 2017.  We hope to enliven debate and deeper engage our loyal listeners.  Accordingly, we agree over first Nostalgia Re-watch will be the original Ghost in the Shell anime.
Our tried and true segments of Seen, Read, Played aren’t going anywhere, any time soon.   Andrew watched Patrick’s favorite show of 2017, The Magicians.  Patrick played some Gears of War 4 with an old friend.  Christopher read Patrick’s Christmas present Descender graphic novel and has nothing bad to say about it.  That doesn’t stop him from making fun of Patrick of course.
