Tag Archives: Avengers Infinity War

Ninety Two: The Infinity War One Shot

Episode Ninety-Two: The Infinity War One Shot

Recorded April 30 2018

18 movies and ten years have led to this moment.  And this film did not disappoint.  We spoil things, big time.  Avengers Infinity War is a huge movie, filled with our favorite but it really is Thanos’ film.  We lament that our favorite heroes don’t get enough screen time but our lamentation is salved at just how satisfying an ending this film has going for it.  We discuss its monster box office, which theories were confirmed and which of our theories were totally incorrect. Basically, we loved this movie and we hope you see it soon and tell us what you think.

Wakanda Forever?


Episode Ninety-One: The One Before We See Infinity War

Episode Ninety-One: The One Before We see Infinity War

Recorded April 25, 2018

This episode feels major.  Because it is.  If you are looking for a primer on the Marvel Cinematic Universe to date, look no further!  We discuss all 18 films.  We pick our favorites and our least favorites and some of our picks are surprising.  We don’t shy away from the missteps and we sing the praises of the unexpected triumphs of this unique experiment in film history.

We share our hopes and theories for Avengers Infinity War.  And we reconcile ourselves that  some of our favorite characters may not make it out alive. We confirm our plans to watch the new film and rest assured our next episode will be an Infinity War One Shot.

We will see you on the other side.

Wakanda Forever!
