One Four Nine: This was supposed to be a One Shot

One Four Nine:  This was supposed to be a One Shot

Recorded 10/31/2020

Well, this was supposed to be our first episode in a series of One Shots where we focus on episodes of The Mandalorian.  And we do talk about The Mandalorian season 2 episode 1 in great detail, but we veer into other territory along the way.  We lament the passing of icon Sean Connery.  He was James Bond, Henry Jones Sr., Captain Marko Ramius and Juan Sanchez Villa Lobos Ramirez just to name a few.

Christopher has a dawn patrol Gloomhaven session and nearly recruits Andrew and Patrick to join the tabletop game’s expansion kickstarter.

No trivia this week is met with protests.  It will return next week.Be a hero, wear a mask
