Eighty Six: Monsters Attack!

Episode Eighty-Six:  Monsters Attack!

Recorded 1/23/2017

Two new episodes in one month!  Can you believe it?  Our resolution is holding strong!

As the title suggests we spend an inordinate amount of this episode talking about monsters.  Monsters in gaming, monsters on television and in the movies, and monsters that appear in print.  We dissect the recent Oscar nominations, what they missed, what makes no sense, and what they got exactly correct. Chris and Patrick make the commitment to stream Monster Hunter World in the coming weeks. Watch BrothersGeekPlayed on Twitch for all the tier 1 level game play.  The Magicians have returned on Syfy Channel and Andrew is loving it.  We announce some upcoming release dates and shamelessly plug a Netflix series Patrick worked on last year.

Watch “Everything Sucks” on Netflix beginning February 16th 2018!

Trivia is Oscar Nomination themed and it’s quite surprising.

Be. Curious.
